Counsellor Corner

Welcome back to all our Bobcat families.

The start of this school year has been completely different than any other year we have experienced. Take comfort in understanding that we are all in this together, ensuring the safety and well-being for one another. Team work, patience, and mindfulness are some of the key components we can all work on in stopping the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Mental health & personal well-being education will be one of many areas of discussion in this year's school programming. We are committed to addressing these areas as a whole school, staff, students, families and community. A number of resources will be made available to you on the school website, in newsletters and as part of the guidance counsellng programming.

Should you require any further resources and support, please do not hesitate to contact me at 204-677-6107.

I look forward to working with you this school year:)

-Mrs. Gosselin

Here are some links you may find helpful:

The Manitoba government announced the AbilitiCBT virtual therapy program is now live and available from home and provides mental health support to those struggling with mild to moderate anxiety.

Parenting in Difficult Times

Kids Q&A session with Ace Burpee

Managing Back to School Anxiety during COVID-19 (recorded webinar)

Helping Children and Families Manage Stress and Build Resilience

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